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You might have noticed that we are in the middle of another election season. The rhetoric, the tone, the attempts to vilify and amplify are all around us – coming from candidates and superPACs and social media and neighbors and family and more.

You might wonder where does faith fit into all of this?

As Lutherans, we believe that God loves and values every single person. This means all are beloved of God – even those who we might not agree with or even like. All are God’s children. This means that even those who are the farthest from our political views are humans and worthy of care. Further, as Martin Luther once said, we are called to be little Christs for one another. This means listening and wanting the best for one another.

In saying this, please know that loving one another is not the same as remaining quiet in the presence of hate speech or abusive actions. There are times to speak up and engage. As we know from the prophets and from Jesus, we are called to work and to speak out against powers and systems that have historically marginalized or silenced so many of God’s beloved people.

So I ask again, where does faith fit into all of this?

Well … If you are full of anxiety for this coming year, if you wonder how to engage with others on issues that you care about, if you want to help foster a sense of community and love, we invite you and your congregation to join Northwest Washington Synod’s LiVE Project. This coming year LiVE is engaging faith and life with new classes, retreats, and cohorts. This year’s theme is Faith Out Loud. The 2024-25 offerings are chosen explicitly to address how to engage faith and life. This fall there is a multi-week class on Faith in Public Life starting on September 18.  On October 19 there is a one-day retreat on Christian Nationalism. And from October 21-November 9 there will be an election prayer vigil. Further out in the year there is a retreat on land use, embracing difference, and a Lenten Journey along with other cohorts and more.

Together with what is happening in each of the individual congregations throughout the synod, LiVE is providing ways for people to share their faith stories, listen to one another, and connect with God and with one another to live their faith out loud. LiVE is a place where people from all over the synod and beyond engage in ways that foster growth, encourage conversation, provide mutual support, create community beyond difference, and ultimately connect one’s faith in day-to-day life. With the different offerings, all are encouraged to participate in what God is calling us to be and to do – to cultivate empathy, love, justice, and service. To live faith out loud.

This coming year is full of possibilities to together live our faith out loud. If you have been part of LiVE in the past, we urge you to invite others. If you are interested, please talk with others in your congregation and form a group together. Find the list of upcoming courses on our synod website here: If you have questions, please email

As you know, we are not called to an individual “me and Jesus” faith isolated from the world. Instead, faith is a communal journey where we celebrate our uniqueness as we walk in the unity of Christ. We learn, grow, support, challenge, and travel together in Christ as we live as God’s beloved.

I am so grateful for the vision and leadership of synod staff members Rev. Dr. David Hahn and Ms. Mandy Neill, the LiVE Project Board, the professors and teachers, and all who have collaborated on the LiVE Project. Their work and the LiVE Project are truly gifts to this synod and to this church. Let us embrace God’s love and let us live our faith out loud.


+Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee