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This past Sunday, we held our Semi-Annual Meeting. Here is a summary of the meeting.

We elected the following Council members for two-year terms:

  • President – Kathy Trosvig
  • Vice President – Chris Anderson
  • Education – Karen Fox
  • Missions/Stewardship – Debbie Saunders

We received a report from our Treasurer, Dave Finsted. Dave reported that both general fund offerings and total income are 14% ahead of budget, while total expenses are right on budget. Due to the $10,000 deficit budget, we approved for 2024, at the end of May we have an actual deficit of $1,045, even though the budgeted deficit through May is $13,498. Therefore, we are $12,452 ahead of budget after the first five months of 2024.

We voted on three resolutions concerning changes to our constitution and bylaws. First, we voted to amend our constitution to conform with required sections of the ELCA Model Constitution for Congregations which were approved at the 2019 and 2022 Churchwide Assemblies. Second, we adopted a new bylaw which sets forth a procedure for addressing inactive members. And finally, we voted to amend our constitution in the following ways:

  • Change from two Semi-Annual Meetings to one Annual Meeting.
  • Replace two co-treasurers with a treasurer and a financial secretary.
  • Congregation would elect Council members, the Council would elect president, vice president, and secretary; and appoint the treasurer, financial secretary, and ministry coordinators.
  • The congregation Council changes from ten members to nine members.
  • Nominating Committees appointed by Congregation Council instead of being elected by the congregation.

These changes to our constitution will require a second vote at our 2025 January Semi-Annual Meeting.